Tim's Party Centre banner

102 King St. West
Bowmanville ON Canada
L1C 1R5

photos of events we have decorated
The very best balloons, Visit
www.Qualatex.com for balloon ideas

Canadian Rental Association
Member of the
Canadian Rental

Fundraising rentals and Games

Big Splash
—for indoor or outdoor use
$200.00 Big Splash Money vault
—money not included
125.00 money vault
Bocce  40.00 bocce Plinko 60.00 Plinko
Bubble machine 25.00 bubble machine Popcorn machine 
-with cart
—supplies are extra
—click for operating instructions
popcorn machine
Candy floss machine 
—supplies are extra
—click for operating instructions
75.00 candy floss machine Promo Wheel 25.00 promo wheel
Candy floss machine with cart 
—supplies are extra
click for operating instructions
90.00 cotton candy cart Quarterback Toss
click for instructions to set up frame
60.00 Quarterback Toss
Cash box 7.50 cash box Raffle drum—small
raffle drum
Duck pond with ducks 60.00 duck pond Ring Toss 60.00 ring toss
Dunk tank  200.00 dunk tank Sally Seal Break-a-plate 60.00 break a plate
Easy Slammer
(has to be towed)
  125.00  Easy Slammer Santa suit
We also have an Easter Bunny suit--same price
125.00 Santa suit
Electronic Basketball
(delivery only)
125.00 Basketball Slapshot 60.00 slapshot
Feed the Monkey 
click for instructions to set up frame
60.00 feed the monkey Slushie machine
—supplies are extra
click for operating instructions
150.00 Slushie machine
Froggy Fly Fling
click for instructions to set up frame
60.00 Froggy Fly Fling SnoKone machine
—supplies are extra
click for operating instructions
75.00 SnoKone machine
Fog machine
—supplies are extra
45.00 fog machine SnoKone machine with ice bin 

Ice bin alone

—supplies are extra
—click for operating instructions

ice bin
Golf Challenge
—click for instructions to set up frame
60.00 Golf Challenge game Sombrero Toss 60.00 Sombrero Toss
Helium tank

curl ribbon $5.00/roll
100 helium-grade balloons $15.99

helium Teen Striker
(smaller than Easy Slammer)
-delivery only
100.00 Teen Striker
Hot dog roller 60.00 Hot dog roller Tic Tac Toe 60.00 Tic Tac Toe
Jack & Jill jail cell 150.00 jail cell Tug o' War rope 25.00 tug o'war rope
Kick and Score
click for instructions to set up frame
60.00 Kick and Score game Tumbling Ducks with Nerf shooter 60.00 Tumbling Ducks game
Personalized fluorescent banner 25.00   Volleyball net and ball 20.00  
Games for sale: 3-in-a-row, bean bag toss, can toss, clothespin drop, egg relay, parachute, potato sacks, 100 ct. balloon bag